After a morning spent cycling up hills (what is the difference between mountains and hills btw?) I'm 10 km from the Turkish border. Time to take on liquids and have one last shopska salad which is a bit like a Greek salad only it's Bulgarian. And with less olives.
A cut & paste job
There is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an identifiable summit. In the United Kingdom, a mountain must be over 600 meters (1969 feet) or over 300 meters (984 feet) if it's an abrupt difference in the local topography. However, some hills can be called mountains and some mountains can be called hills - it's just a matter of the original name given to the relief
so there you go
Thanks for that... ıt was a bleedın' mountaın then! Topped out around 2200 feet. Looking at the map I suspect I'm goıng to have to get used to them
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