Day 1, Manchester to Stafford

61 miles in 5 hours 22 mins.
Bastard headwind all the way for which I blame Phill for wishing me tailwinds all the way, weather jinx that he is. Bumped into Paul Touey, an ex SE colleague which was a bit strange. Made it to Stafford for 8.20 ish knackered but happy.
Doc was a fantastic host, there was food, beer and a shower waiting followed by the with some old Stafford friends (John "Dad", Alex Girosky and Cas). Got to bed at one ish, starting to ache...
Hoorah, Bill's gone!
Meaning that in a nice way of course...
have fun.
hey bill,
best of luck my friend. I will follow you via the blog. what kind of bike are you riding?
Ben from Amerika
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