An Long Veng to Prasat, Thailand
Sun 09/02/14, 130 km
Omelette for breakfast whilst I watched a very misty start to the day... managed to delay myself until 7.30 which was a tad silly as the forecast high for the day was 34c.
When I did get going and headed out to the border I couldn't but help notice the number of people with missing limbs, usually legs. These will be landmine victims: the border area is part of the K5 zone, which is a 700km long 500m wide mine belt, mined to a density of 6000 mines to the square kilometres.
The cycle to the border took me 12km to the edge of the Dangrek mountains then a steep climb up the mountains. The border area itself was the usual chaos with a casino and traders. Oh, and a sign pointing to the site of Pol Pot's cremation in 1998 - they should've done it to him years before.
Border formalities were simple and brief, with no "Sunday working" or stamping fees. In fact, looked like the most scam free Cambodian border going, probably helped by the lack of public transport o the Thai side which makes this very unused by farang (foreigners).
The road was fantastic quality after Cambodia, with one or two nice views from the mountains. Within 20km I managed to pick up a SIM and 1gb data package.
As the day wore on it got hot... but the air was clearer than Cambodia, perhaps because the mountains contain the smog from the burn off. Made it to an English run guest house on the road Ryan's Resort. Owner is very helpful and the areas British expats were all there for their Sunday lunch. Alas, a lack of veggie options saw my on the bike again cycling 8km to the nearest Tesco Lotus for stuff for dinner

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